Visiting a new church can be daunting. Here’s what you can expect at Grace+Peace on a Sunday.

We meet for worship on Sundays at 10:30-11:50am(EST) at the Ooltewah Adventist Church, 9209 Amos Road. Follow the signs to the Sanctuary. We run Sunday School classes during the Spring and Fall from 9:00-10:10.

What’s worship like?
Some people tell us our services are formal, others have told us we are the most informal church
they have ever visited. Our worship is casual, yet liturgical; we take worship seriously and try to
make it beautiful while keeping it warm and easily understandable. We sing gospel, contemporary songs, and hymns that are usually set to more modern tunes. We joyfully celebrate the sacraments weekly. The service lasts about 80 minutes. Benjie usually preaches about 30 minutes and is often working through a full book from the Bible. We think this kind of stylistic variety gives life!

What do people wear?
Some people dress up but most come dressed casually. You have the freedom to come as you are!

How will I know where to go?
There are clear signs directing you where to park at the Ooltewah Adventist Church. You’ll enter the doors by the Sanctuary. There are restrooms are on either side you enter (women left, men right). There is a coffee table and book table available. We have greeters that will love to help you find whatever you need including the nursery and Children’s Check-In area.

What do I do with my kids?
We love kids at G+P! We offer a staffed Nursery for children 0-4yo, and a Kid’s Worship program during the sermon for children 4-8yo. We always welcome children into the worship service! That might be a little different for you. Don’t feel bad if they make a little noise, we think that is a sign of blessing and life!

We think that the worship service is for everyone and should help every person know and love God. So, the service is accessible to all kinds of people.

Check out the children’s page for more information. And if you’d like to register and check in your children before you arrive, you can go here for more information.

What if I’m single?
Grace+Peace does seem to have a lot of families. But, you would be surprised at how many singles find our community a breath of fresh air. Married folks have a lot to learn from singles and singles have a lot to learn from those married. We think you’ll fit in just fine. We value fostering a multi-generational, multi-stage church life.

Do you have Sunday School?
We offer a season of Sunday School in the fall and spring for children and adults that lasts from 9:00-10:10. The children’s page has more information on classes for your kids. For adults, the class is located in the upstairs room above the fellowship hall.

What does “Presbyterian” mean?
“Presbyterian” simply refers to the way the church is governed. In Greek, the word
”presbeuteros” means elder or shepherd and out church is led by elected elders (Titus 1:5; 1 Peter 5:1; 1 Timothy 5:17; Acts 15; Acts 16:4; Acts 20:17; James 5:14). Our pastor is held accountable by other pastors in the region who make up a presbytery.

Don’t let the funny name keep you from coming. On any given Sunday, we will have Baptists, Methodists, non-denominationals, Roman Catholics, cynics, skeptics, and lots of people who have no clue what any of these words mean! Join us this Sunday!